sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

7 kinds of Smart

The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner and has been developed by him for 15 years. He proposed this radical new theory because he felt that the old definition of intelligence, or schoolhouse giftedness, was inadequate. The old definition focused too much on linguistic and logical thinking. Though those ways of thinking were important, it left other kinds of intelligence, like a musician’s intelligence in music, out in the cold. Gardner believed that rather than two ways of thinking, or ways to be smart, there were seven. This led to his theory of multiple intelligences.
Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences states that rather than two ways to be smart, there are seven. The seven ways to be smart, according to Gardner are:
  • Linguistic Intelligence – People who have linguistic intelligence have a way with words, so to speak. Linguistic intelligence is, according to Gardner and the author of The Seven Kinds of Smart, Thomas Armstrong, the intelligence of words. People who excel in linguistic intelligence end up being poets, writers, journalists, and lawyers. In high school, people who excel at this intelligence end up being in drama or debate. People who have linguistic intelligence are also good at word games like a crossword puzzle or Scrabble®.
  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence – People who have logical-mathematical intelligence excel at science and math. These are the logical thinkers, the "Scullys" of our population. These are the people who seek out patterns in an otherwise chaotic world. They also are the ones who are making the biotechnological and nanotechnological advancements today. People who excel at logical-mathematical intelligence are also our accountants and computer programmers.
  • Spatial Intelligence – People with a great deal of spatial intelligence like to mess with pictures. They even think in images. They are also able to take the images they have in their minds or what they see and put that on a canvas or to take a picture of it. They are our artists, architects, photographers, pilots, and mechanical engineers. Who ever designed the Patronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia must have had a lot of spatial intelligence.
  • Musical Intelligence – People with musical intelligence are the musicians and singers of our worlds. They are the ones who can carry a tune and play the saxophone. Bach and Mozart had tons of musical intelligence, as do Trent Reznor and Jon Bon Jovi today. You don’t have to play music or sing to have lots of musical intelligence. People who love to listen to music, can keep time to the beat of a song, and listen to a lot of musical pieces with a degree of judgment also have lots of musical intelligence.
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence - Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence is your physical smart. Being in control ones body is the key to this intelligence, be it in doing a lay-up in basketball or performing a quintuple bypass surgery on a late-night talk show host. Athletes and surgeons are especially skilled at this intelligence. Other people with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence like to do physical exercise and to work with their hands like woodworking, crafts, and model-building. They will also use a lot of hand gestures while talking.
  • Interpersonal Intelligence – Persons with Interpersonal Intelligence are what you would call, people persons. They like to be around people, whether it be to help them out or to seek help. Individuals with this intelligence are able to judge peoples’ emotions and be able to adjust to them. People with Interpersonal Intelligence like to be around people and like to convince people of their positions. Many politicians have a lot of this kind of intelligence, as well as linguistic intelligence. One doesn’t have to very nice to be have interpersonal intelligence, one can also be conniving and manipulative, as well as backstabbing. Richard Hatch on Survivor, thus, also has a lot of this kind of intelligence, as did a good personal friend of his, Machiavelli. 
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence – People with this kind of intelligence are very introspective and independent. They would not mind spend much of their time alone, getting to know their inner self, the whole basis of this intelligence. A person with this kind of intelligence can judge their own feelings easily and be very self-guiding. People who are self-employed, theologians, and counselors are often smart in this area.

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